Friday, 24 January 2014

Say Hello to Doug

Hello Peeps

Say hello to Doug... he is my new "friend", and don't tell him but I really don't like him.. at all...

I just don't know what has happened, but I bumped into Doug last week and he just won't go away.

Training had been going great. I was making awesome progress and working on all of the helpful hints I was receiving from my wonderful friends.

And then along he came.

I thought I had gotten rid of him. Turns out that when riding your TdF trainer, if it squeeks.. a lot.. then that creates friction. I know right, who would have imagined! So the addition of some oil to the crank and pedals not only had the benefit of getting rid of the annoying squeek, but also reduced friction and made it a lot easier to pedal.

Then this morning, Doug was back. How annoying! Don't you all hate that friend who will never leave? I was blaming the heat and high humidity for feeling like needing a little lie down. But now I blame Doug.

I can't imagine the metal filings Paul found under the turny bit near the pedals has anything to do with it. Can't imagine that pedaling so hard that the bike is wearing out could create any problems at all, so it must be Doug.

On the plus side, I have completed an amazing 1,034 training kms since starting this journey. This month's tally looks a bit sad, but I still have time!!

Now if you just divide that through by the number of training months, the picture is not pretty, so let's see if a list will make it look better:

September:    80km
October:       112km
November:   310km
December:   400km

Yep, much better! What great progress!!

OK, so I had better go. Paul has decided that it is absolutely imperative that he sits right next to me with the Big Jam Box playing ACDC "Problem Child" while he practices his guitar riffs! Really LOUD! OK, so apparently it was not that loud, but now the desk is shaking I think we can safely assume that he has rectified this and tested out the full power of the amp!

Until next time!

W xx

PS - glad you all enjoyed my last post. I am sure you will be pleased to know that I went out to dinner with my "lost" friend last week, so all is good again! BIG relief!!

PPS - I was invited to go on a spin class last week by a serious member of the Lycra Brigade.Unfortunately I was not able to go... due to very important and time critical work for a client... not because I was scared of looking like a big goose or not being able to keep up or having to have a little lie down half way through! I will go next time we are both in town together. And Doug can just stay home!!

PPPS - this week I will whip Doug's patootie!!

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