Monday, 27 January 2014

Back on Track!

So, Doug has gone away! YAY!

You know he visited Josie too! What a bad boy he was...

Turns out that while I value the input of my friends in the Lycra Brigade immensely, and I have learnt a lot from them... targeting their cadence or watts is just not possible for me. If I do then I get all tuckered out and can't keep going.

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare... my Lycra Brigade friends are hares. It is time that I accept I am a tortoise and be happy with that!

So having reached this perhaps obvious conclusion, training has been going great this week! So hooray for me I am back on track, and much less daunted by Josie's text on the weekend reminding me there are 33 days to go!!

I still have time!

W xx

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