Saturday, 16 November 2013

GOOD Wendy v BAD Wendy

103 days to go... OK, so I still have time!!

Today I wanted to share some things I have learned so far on my journey...

  1. Having exercise gear in the house does not help you to gain fitness or lose weight if you don't actually use them. I know right?? How can that be??
  2. Sometimes you just need the right motivation to get off your patootie and make time for exercise. So for me obviously it is helping to educate and empower girls. But thanks to the wonderful advice of one of my boy's godfathers... I need to pick up the training or I will be last to make it to post ride drinks each day... and what if they run out?? So on the back of that I have decided to start riding 40km per day (or at least trying to!!)
  3. Apparently, your body needs carbs to generate energy. I thought carbs were bad!! BUT the good news is that if I have a bad cycling day (like this morning!) then it is not that I suck, but rather that I need carbs. What an excellent excuse!! So after my training, I ate pancakes!
  4. Also, in good news... DVH told me that I do not need to cycle 40km in one go to get the benefit of the training. Thank goodness! He said it is fine to do half in the morning and half in the evening. What a relief... Now I just need to actually do it!!
  5. People are incredibly generous! So many people have helped me out already... donations, coming to the Quizzie, advice on training and cycling things in general, cheering me on, reading my blog. It sure makes you feel good. So thank you all!!
Now to the training... 

Yesterday, I did Stage 4 of the TdF. 19.1 km of up hill (I will ignore the bit of down hill at the beginning!). Goodness me it was hard. 8 degree inclines are just mean and unnecessary people! Still, I got through it... and guess what... I missed the time by 14 seconds! Good grief, that just means I have to do it again!

I was going to ride again yesterday afternoon, but it was so hot! 37 degrees in the shade... and since the weather will be mild on our ride, I decided my time would be much better spent in the pool! It is important not to overdo it don't you think?? Wouldn't want to get dehydrated!!

This morning I rode intervals, since no matter what way you cut my progress to date, I am not good at hills! I thought it was just a lack of strength... but DVH told me you use different muscles on hills... obviously these muscles are not yet totally on board. BAD muscles!! So with my new knowledge about carbs... I was clearly lacking them this morning. I started out planning to ride 30km... then 20... then 1 hour... then 45 minutes... then 30 minutes... then 15... then decided I should stop and do it later... then I had a stern chat with myself and we agreed to 10km... then 30 minutes... then 15km... then 45 minutes... then 20km... then 1 hour... then BAD Wendy decided that was just cruel... so we agreed on 55 minutes. 

So I did 21.1km in 55 minutes which seems pretty good to me!! I have now done a grand total of ... wait for it... prepare to be amazed... well maybe not... 308km of training since I started.

I have decided that I need to motivate myself the way you would eat an elephant... one small bite at a time!!

So over the coming week... hopefully GOOD Wendy will triumph over BAD Wendy... but just in the training, because as we all know, BAD Wendy is much more fun!!

W x

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