OK... so 99 days to go... and yes, I am starting to get a leetle bit nervous...
On the good news side... I have been expanding my repertoire of reading and riding. Turns out you can also conduct code reviews, update technical specifications, catch up on emails and read. Wow. I wonder what else I can do???
Just so you know, it is less successful for conference calls... apparently the puffing is a bit off-putting.
Also on the good news side... I have done 200km of training this month to date. Hooray for me!! AND 125km so far this week. Now let's focus on how great that is and not dwell on the obvious question about why I did so little before this week (Quiz Night, travelling and the sniffles are my excuses!!).
A couple of things are making me a nervous.
Firstly, I still have not cycled 399km since this journey started. Now from my side, it feels like I am spending every spare minute on that bike.. and I still have not made it... goodness me, just how long does it take to cycle 399km?
I though I was getting over this obsession with the distance, but apparently not. Turns out I have just been going la la la la ... repeat as necessary!! La la la la... Maybe just once more and then I will be good... la la la la...
So despite having cycled for 1,178 minutes since I started... goodness me, that sure is a big number ... perhaps if I work in hours... so that is 19.64000556 hours I have cycled 392km. Now that is pretty close to 399km but it is difficult to ignore that I have not quite made it!!
Now, I have definitely made excellent progress... but is it enough??
And secondly, is it a bad sign that I have sore knees? I am not 100% sure that the clicking sound in my left knee yesterday was a good thing...
Still onwards and upwards... I can do this!!
Oooohhhh, I forgot to mention my exciting news... what a goose!! Now over the last couple of weeks, at least 4 people have asked if I have lost weight. The answer in case you are interested is YES!! Hooray for Me!! Turns out exercising for 1,178 minutes has helped me to lose weight. Who would have imagined?? Now truth be told it is not a lot, but it is something... So I think it is important that you all start out our next conversation with "Hey Wendy, you look FABULOUS!! Have you lost some weight??"... because if you don't then I will know you are not reading my blog!!
Until next time!!
W x
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