Sunday, 16 March 2014

Cambodia and Vietnam Q&A

During our adventure, I prepared some Q&A. I hope you will enjoy playing along!!

Q: When is a 50km ride not a 50km ride?
A: On a Plan ride... it could be 40km or 50km or 60km!

Q: When is a 4 hour bus ride not a 4 hour bus ride?
A: On a Plan bus... when it will take 6 hours, but no-one wants to tell you that!

Q: When is a croissant not a croissant?
A: When it is a croissant shaped scone at the OC hotel in Sihanoukville! However, given how much I missed bakery items, I still ate quite a few just to be sure they were good!

Q: What freaks Wendy out?
A: When one of the guys takes her suitcase. Thankfully, I don't think it was opened! I like a bit of mystery with the contents of my suitcase! Actually I like a LOT of mystery!

Q: What freaks Josie out?
A: Tarantulas for dinner! Interestingly she seemed less bothered by the fried cockroaches, crickets, ants and other delights served by the locals!

Q: What is more exciting that a 1 1/2 hour boat trip on a mangrove swamp?
A: ANYTHING! Good grief it was loud and boring!!

Q: When speaking to someone in a different language, what do you do when they can't understand you?
A: YELL! We got yelled at by a shopkeeper in Vietnam whilst buying water! It cost 30 cents!

Q: What can be used in place of sunscreen for people who like natural products?
A: Coconut oil! Personally I prefer factor 50! And lots of it!!

Q: What can be used in place of malaria tables for people who like natural products?
A: Garlic! Again, I personally prefer a more traditional approach of horrid malaria tablets! Even though they gave me motion sickness. And, I have been reliably informed since my return home that they also make me talk in my sleep! A lot. So I wrote Josie to check what secrets I had disclosed the two nights we were roomies... she has declined to answer as she wants to keep it up her sleeve! I wonder... just how nervous should I be??

Q: When are you free from locals trying to sell you things?
A: NEVER. We were on a boat ride to see the floating markets in the Mekong Delta. Up out of no-where pops this lady from the back of the boat trying to sell me all sorts of cheap useless crap! You gotta be kidding me! However, I thought the vendors on boats coming over to sell tea and coffee and snacks were really cool.

Q: Do villagers in Vietnam and Cambodia have cell phones?
A: ABSOLUTELY YES! When we arrived at the Plan school, the kids were all taking photos of us and posting them up on Face Book! I also saw a guy with a very large pig tied to the back of his motorbike which had fallen onto the road. He was standing there on his cell phone. I wonder if they have roadside assistance in Cambodia?

Until next time my peeps and web crawlers!

W xx

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