Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Am I Excited?

So everyone is asking me if I am excited about my big adventure. I would LOVE to say yes, absolutely I am... but that would not be quite the truth.

I have a big list of work to get through before I go. Don't want unhappy clients!

The thing is, I just read the list of what to pack. With about 30 hours until I leave of which at least 10 will be spent on the phone... I may have underestimated the number of things on the packing list which I don't currently have. I was just planning a quick trip to the pharmacy to get some first aid items. Oopsy daisy!!

Now I could just ignore the list... but maybe that would be bad! Maybe the sensible thing would be to leverage the experience and expertise of people who have actually done this before! As you know, I am very obedient, so I guess I will just need to find a way to squeeze a quick shopping trip in before I go. I wonder if Paul will come with me? See he get's that look on his face (you all know the one) which encourages very quick decision making and completely avoids the possibility of entering multiple shopping establishments to ensure that what I am purchasing is perfect.

Hmmm, I wonder how best to position that with him??

I would expect my probability of success in convincing him to be approaching zero... but I can be very persuasive when I need to be!!

In exciting news, I just signed up to Whatsapp so I can text my wonderful friends while on my adventure! Please all write me!

Reasons why I may not respond to you immediately:

  1. No Internet
  2. Cycling
  3. Having a bex and a lie down after said cycling
  4. Having a massage (hopefully!)

Later Gators!!

W xx

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