So it has been two weeks since my last post. I really have nothing much to report with regard to training, so I thought I would share some events from the last two weeks with you.
Now of course, some would say that many of my posts bear little relationship to my journey... so they might not notice any difference!
I have 19 days to go! Gulp.
We had a preparatory call with our guides a week ago. They said we should
stop training now. WOW, OK then! As you all know, I am very obedient and carry out all instructions diligently, so my training has fallen off significantly. Of course I must do some...
Last weekend I cycled with Josie. 51km! On the road!! We did two big laps. On the first lap I may have had to keep stopping. I had to wait for Josie to catch up with me. I can hear you gasp! I know right!? Wendy was faster that Josie.... surely that is not possible.
Now a less honest person might just leave it there... unfortunately I am not that person, so I probably need to point out that Josie normally rides Mark's mountain bike rather than her racing bike when we ride together. Unfortunately, Mark had been out mountain biking with Neil the previous weekend. There may have been an incident which resulted in his bike getting a bit bent... so Josie could not ride it. Instead she rode Poppy's bike. You may remember this is the bike I rode on our first outing... more about that later.
Now Josie is quite tall, so Poppy's bike may have been way to small for her. This may have impacted her performance slightly, and this may be the main contributing factor as to why I had to keep stopping!!
On our second lap, Josie switched to her racing bike. Goodness it is fast!! On the second lap, we may have had to stop a couple of times because Wendy was getting all tuckered out! Personally, I choose to call these re-hydration stops which I believe are very important to ensure our well being!
Still it was a great ride! I felt awesome afterwards. I can totally do this!!
Now on our last re-hydration stop we were discussing my improvement in cycling, and I was saying how I hoped I had improved enough to get through this ride and be sure to finish each time in time for a refreshing beverage... preferably beside a pool. And Josie said... are you ready for this... it is a HUGE bombshell...OK... here it is... That on our first outing, we only managed 7km and (now for the worst bit) barely got above walking pace. OUCH! That hurt. Could it possibly have been that bad?? Probably, but again OUCH!!
Thank goodness she didn't share that observation with me at the time. I would have had to have a bex and a little lie down!!
It is also a good thing Josie wasn't with me on my first ride on the trainer. That might have been REALLY embarrassing!!
Gosh, I am doing really well. Lot's of journey related observations. So far so good!
In unrelated news... I get home on Friday night and Paul says he needs to tell me something and I need to remember that it is funny. Now is it just me, or does that sort of introduction usually get followed by something which is totally not funny? Generally, something not funny at all!!
Anyhoo, he was upgrading some flights on points. The airline's web site wasn't working so he had to call up. The lovely helpful airline representative was more that happy to upgrade him... but he was short of points. Oh dear, will Paul have to fly up the back!! Good grief! Surely not!! So he asks her to wait a minute... he logs into the airline website as me, and transfers points from my account to his so that he has enough to upgrade!! You gotta be kidding me!! The airline representative goes, oh OK, I can see the points now... Tell me Mr Cameron, did you just steal these points from your wife?? Now rather than giving him a stern talking to about theft etc, she spends the rest of the call laughing at his audacity!!
So, I have to admit, it really was kind of funny... but next time Paulie, why don't you steal from your kids instead of me!!
In other moderately journey related news... I have been having needles for all kinds of nasties ready for the trip. Last week was Typhoid and Hep-B. Knocked my on my patootie! According to the inter-web tyhpoid can give you a feeling of general malaise. I can totally confirm this. Missed a day of training while lying on the couch!
Then this week it was time for Hep-B and Tetanus. I have head that tetanus can make your arm quite sore. Initially I was thinking, perhaps I should not have this done on the weekend, as it might mean that I can't train. Then I thought woo-hoo, if I get my shots on the weekend, then I can't train!! I really wish they had not said we should stop training!! Well, maybe not so much, but I feel there is still work to be done...
Now I have to share a blog related story... I have a wonderful staff member (let's call her Olivia) for whom English is a second language. I wrote her an email to let her know that I had not received something from her. I asked her to send it through. She apologized and sent through the details and signed the email BAD Olivia!! Now I was not sure if she had been reading my blog, in which case it was hugely funny... or if I had made her feel bad, which is less funny. Turns out she had read the blog and wondered why I had not laughed!! Ooops!
Anyway, better go and finish compiling the book of pictures from our third graders which we are giving as a gift to the girls in Cambodia we will be visiting on our trip. I still have time! But let's be honest, not very much!!
Until next time
W xx