Sunday, 15 September 2013

My Wonderful Friends - FAQ

It is really interesting to find out what your friends really think of you when you embark on a journey like this...

So the most common question seems to be... where you sober when you agreed to do this. The answer is a resounding YES. No really, I was totally sober!! I thought it was such a great opportunity to do something good just because I can.

Then comes the training plan... No I don't have one. I really know that I should, but I still don't have a bike. Let's not obsess about the small details! The good news is that I saw a wonderful bike track along the freeway today when coming back from the farm for the weekend. It was over 30km long so would be great for training. But goodness me, it seemed like a really, really, really long way.

Another common question is around the distance of the ride. As you may have noticed I am obsessing somewhat over the 86km. Alas, this is not the whole distance. It is just the longest day. So for the doubters (and to scare the life out of myself) I decided to add up the total distance. Are you ready? Just give me a minute... OK, it is .. OMG 399 km. I so can't do this.

Just let me have a quick cry, and perhaps a glass of wine while I recover...

Goodness, that is a really, really, really long way.

My poor patootie.

Hugh has just pointed out this is just the same as to the farm and back in 12 days. Maybe just one more glass of wine and then a bex and a lie down...

W x

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